I am excited to start sharing this knowledge through the Hearts Unleashed Podcast. It brings me such joy to share and empower you anyway I can. Tune in and let me know what you discover for yourself! There was a time in my life when I spoke of big dreams and felt like I had a bungee cord stuck in my belt loop pulling me back. No matter what successes I ever reached or created, I struggled with a 'not good enough' conversation. Any step forward was negated with a sinking feeling that there is no sustainability in this feeling of accomplishment. Try as I might, I felt unlovable and had an INTENSE fear of being forgotten. It caused anxiety, crippling fear, and doubt in my worth. It was no way to live. It IS no way to live. In today's powerful 15 min fill up, I shine a light on that bungee cord pulling you back. It's our sneaky subconscious. Our feet and heart sink right into it when we are not aware or responsible for this pattern. Our subconscious is SO POWERFUL from every end of the spectrum! It is time we learn how to use it to empower us instead of steal our joy. Today's episode is an extension of 2 gems discussed in Beyond Wholeness, Brenda's previous episode (006) about the power of the subconscious mind! We covered so much amazing information together in the Friday Fill Up interview. Once I listened back to the conversation, I just HAD to highlight these two powerful points for YOU to begin working with! This 15 min fill up is to support you in your journey and to start empowering yourself TODAY! So let go of those deep rooted fears and beliefs that hold you back, do the work of clearing your head and hearts space, and begin taking those power steps towards your fullest self and life! You are SO capable and ready. http://www.heartsunleashed.com/listen.html For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
I started my day with my To-Do list on my mind and relating to it as my Not- Done list. My inner critic was taunting me like it is a What- Have-You-Even-Done?!?! List....It had me in an internal battle of positive and negative thoughts all morning. Needless to say, my thoughts had been cloudy and bogged down. It felt heavy. I didn't exactly jump out of bed ready to seize the day or to inspire anybody as I normally do. I started today in my woes about a half unpacked apartment, a ton of emails to check, write, and respond to, and more to-do's comin' down the pipe. Essentially, I woke up a little less than grateful. Noticing this, I began affirming myself and my life out loud. "I approve of myself" "I am doing amazing!" "I love my new space, my job, my Jeep, my peeps, etc..." ....and the list goes on. ....and I still felt heavy. I was sulking until the moment that I saw this beautiful woman's status! I read it and immediately picked my chin up and looked forward into 2020. I had realized in that very moment, what I was sulking in was my current circumstances. My vision was so clouded that the sun could not shine through and I could not see forward into the future. The way we act in the present is very predictably dictated by the future that we are 'living into.' It is a pretty certain fact, if I say so myself. If you're living in to a heavy to-do list, you will feel heavy. If you are living into a declared future of creative expression, the same to-do list can look a lot brighter! I know what I'm living for. I know what I'm up to in this world and I am certainly grateful to honor the callings and tugs of my heart! Everything I'm up to is in service of the greater good. That to-do list that I woke up stressed about is in service of the greater good. Nothing shifted in my life except for my mind state. I gave up the bogged down story and grabbed back onto positive impact. Since that moment, I released a new Hearts Unleashed Podcast episode, had 3 client calls, worked a full work day, sent off four emails, scheduled 3 appointments, updated my website, and more! Letting go of my pity party allowed me to grab back on to life BEING a party!!! Gina, thank you for bringing my feet back to the ground today! You helped me stand back on the foundation that I have laid while keeping my head in the clouds and dreaming about all that I am creating! You are an amazing woman and every tiny act of kindness that you do creates a giant tidal wave of positove ripple effect! Thank you for today's inspiration and for being the amazing woman that you are! LOVE YOU! Funny enough, today's 15 Min Fill Up episode is all about 'doing the work' of clearing your head and heart so that you can keep 'doing the work' that you were born to do!!! Please, check it out!! http://www.heartsunleashed.com/listen.html For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
In less than two hours, I will be going live with Joshua T Berglan spread the love and put gratitude on loud speaker!
Joshua joined our community here a few months back and has been creating his own ripples of greatness as well! I got a chance to meet him one on one and he shared that he has surrendered the direction of his life to his callings and gifts. He has given up control in order to honor the natural flow of where life is taking him to make the biggest difference and make the deepest impact. He is committed to unleashing his own heart to lift others and relish in gratitude. My kinda dude. Our kinda dude! Join us tonight at 6pm pst to chat it up about what there is to be grateful for in this beautiful world and life! Bring your open heart and minds. Let's let love flow?
For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
Aug 22, 2015 I was signing a marriage certificate. Aug 22, 2018 I just signed my first lease for my first solo place in Arizona. I wish I could take credit for the funny timing. However, that was all Universally organized. The surprise of brand new carpet pushed my move in date ONE day over to land me here and now having a little reflective moment about how my life has transformed into something unrecognizable. I had no intentions of being here. I didn't know I had dreams this wild. I never explored them. I didn't even entertain them. 3 years ago, I said "I Do" to marriage, motherhood, and maxing out in the midwest. I wasn't just an "I Do." I was a "HELL YES" to that white-picket fence vision I had. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Never was. However, when that fence got bulldozed, I used the pickets to build a life raft. It kept me afloat during some tough times. It kept me above water while I got myself back together and set out to sea. I went from choppy waters to clear blue ocean....all the way to the West Coast. 3 years later, I say "HELL YES" to myself. I say "I Do" to my potential. I say "I will" to my hearts whispers and tugs. I say "I am" to my gifts and purpose. You may see me down from time to time but you will never see me out. I may have quit a lot of things but I will never quit on myself. I may have given up people pleasing but I have built a life that pleases me. This self love empowers me to empower you. This awareness fills me up with enough energy to light up Los Angeles! The discoveries I am making in my pursuit of positive impact are immeasurable and undeniable. And I will not deny my greatness ever again. I beg that you don't either. Every moment you question yourself is another moment that you have denied the world the love that it needs. You are f*cking great. I mean it that. much. Be it. I love You. I love Me. I love Love. ___________________ Cred to my longest standing photo/videographer and dear friend Deqwan Young Qwantity Entertainment & Media For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
New 15 min fill up to rock you week and your LIFE!!!! About 2 years ago, Sarah Berry Crawford completely pivoted the direction of my life. She shared the distinction "Be, Do, Have" with me. I have shared it in some of my growing Gratitude posts before and I completely break it down for you in this episode! Check it out and rock your life by BEING the rockstar that you are!! http://www.heartsunleashed.com/li 💥I always wanted to be the kind of gal who could travel when and where she wants with her amazing man and have random photo opps. 💥I always wanted to work for myself and choose my projects. 💥I wanted to enjoy being fully expressed creatively and get 'paid for being me' 💥I used to want....now I have and I am. This life DID NOT come to me by chance. I had to actually BECOME this gal before I got to have her life. I had to be self expressed and confident and in charge before I produced any results. I had to stop dreaming and start doing. Even before that, I had to stop doing and start BEING! In today's 15 min fill up, I share the inside scoop on what exactly that means and what it looks like to take on as a personal practice! We are digging right in on how to ACTUALLY get serious about creating a life you love! #sorrynotsorry about going a few minutes over in order to fully explain a foundational understanding referred to as "Be, Do, Have." Used by hundreds of thousands of humans, this awareness will have you being yourself, doing what you are most passionate about, and having the life you only every dreamed of! In today's episode, I invite you to get real about the "way you are being" in life so that you may free yourself from the weight of blame, resentment, anxiety, frustration and more. An extraordinary life doesn't come without taking a good, hard look at the life you have now as a result of the way you are being now. This distinction will truly empower you to go from dreaming to doing. http://www.heartsunleashed.com/listen.html For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
I haven't posted Gratitude since Thursday! Have ya missed me!?!?! I got a chance to share Gratitude with hundreds of you in person this weekend!! Even though I may had not brought to The Book, I have had no shortage of appreciation and joy. That is for sure! As I closed the geological gap between myself and my family, I allowed the emotional gap between my cellular and I grow. I left the phone put away while I was home in Whiting, Indiana! I won't lie, it takes a conscious choice to put it away and it is always freeing to do so. All weekend, my heart has been bursting with joy to get to spend face to face time with my peeps! Being this close up with them is better than any picture or post. We got about as darn close as we could get to a family photo and I gotta say we did a pretty damn good job! Bringing over 50 family members together to celebrate Aunties Buzzy and Dawn turning 50 was GREAT! Getting MOST of them in one photo, ASTRONOMICAL! This is one wild bunch and we had one wild time for sure!! From giant Flamingos to Flamenco dancing, Buzzy and Dawn certainly got a leg up on turning 50!! Happiest Birthday Month, Leos. My heart has grown fonder. We love you. For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
A loving friend once suggested when I was starting to date again "Don't bring Coach Abby on your date tonight." She meant it from love and I got what she was saying. However, at that point in my life I had already vowed to myself to never morph or dwarf any bit of myself to be in a relationship.
I had already chosen to be so unapologetically me that I would actually be happy when a first date didn't turn into a second. If Coach Abby was too much for a man, great! He's not my man! I wasn't perfect at this approach at first but I let my internal compass guide me. I would check in with myself on dates constantly. °Am I being myself? °What am I resisting saying? °What am I glossing over? °That was a dating red flag, now what do I do? °Am I meeting THIS man or am I looking through a filter of my past? The more I dated and maintained my standards, the easier it got. The less attached I was to the man, the closer the men got to my conditions of satisfaction. The less I negotiated my desires and identity, the higher quality the connections. And then I meet this man⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ "Babe, how may I support you?" Phelan asks just about every time we speak. He speaks my language y'all! Aside from being totally sexy, he has as much brain as brawn. He's got heart and soul. He walks the walk and talks the talk. He's got as much hustle as he does vision. ....And, he loves Coach Abby. He's loves every Abby. And Abigail....maybe not Crabby Abby but that's just because she's usually throwing a temper tantrum.... Phelan and I met in LA and dated for about a month before choosing to make long distance work when I moved to AZ. As ANY relationship, it requires choosing each other over and over. What an awesome experience this has been. Living a desert apart has caused us to exercise trust, new levels of love, and outstanding communication. Whether it is 500 miles or 5 inches, the way we get to talk to each other makes my heart leap for ontological joy! I get to say when I am triggered, he feels safe to share his thoughts and feelings. We talk ourselves ALL THE WAY through anything and become closer because of it! Beyond the 'working it out' stuff, our favorite convos are the 'working on it' stuff! We are both up to amazing things and creating REALLY big lives! This requires a growth mindset that can handle the ebbs and flows of a relationship while including the ebbs and flows of businesses! I have fallen in love with myself and I can tell the work he has done to do the same. It's so attractive to watch him stand on his own and build his empire and I love how he adores watching me build my brand. This is partnership like I've never known. This is love like I've never known. I love it when he talks coachy to me. It's as sexy as it is challenging. Bring it on, babay. We're generating the life we love.
For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
I have more excitment than I do energy this week! More often than not, I catch myself wishing I were a machine that didn't require rest. I stood in on a conversation today around the idea that time doesn't really exist...and it doesn't. If you look into it, time is a created concept. It is based on the rotation of the Earth and changes of the seasons. Time was mostly for the workability of farmers....anywho, if your that curious, do your research. If you look past time, this world is functioning at all hours. Time is a game created and most of us play by it. Unfortunately, as with most games, we let the 'rules' control us. We let them become restrictions of our life. In the game of time, the calendar and clock are the coach and the referee. We relate to ourselves simply as players of the game instead of creators of it. Therefore, when it comes to living an extraordinary life or going for our dreams, 'we don't have the time.' I love to joke with my clients that we all have the same 24 hrs as Beyonce, Oprah, Ellen, and Obama. How we relate to those hours is certainly much different but I can't fit that conversation into a gratitude post. If you are ready to give up time as the constraint to your freedom and power, call me. If you are tired of being tired, message me. If enough is enough on the time excuse, visit abigailgazda.com and register for a complimentary coaching call and we will talk about the timelessness of your dreams. As for Me, I will be up 'late' tonight writing my book for each and everyone of you. My fingers will be flying over the keyboard because the game I play with time is not 'how fast can I get this done?' It is 'I am going to do what I said I would do by when I said I would it.' Promise, take action, deliver. How I create the time commitments is of my own doing and that makes me creator of the game. My game exists outside of space and time and that, my friends, is where your dream life resides. Create the life you love. For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
For the whole year of 2017, I hosted Monday Morning Meditation on my public figure page. It was one of my favorite times of the week to join you beautiful people. I loved spending a mindful moment clearing our hearts to create a great week ahead. I took a break from MMM to shift my focus to completing a handful of projects. I have missed it. I have wrestled with bringing it back into action multiple times. What I have missed is going live with you to share and generate greatness. ______________ This is one of those lessons about trading the good for the great. While I loooove MMM dearly, it currently doesn't rank on the priority list in creating the biggest picture right now. Letting go of Monday Morning Meditation has created space to bring you a natural and new part of my evolution! **What is something in your own life that is blocking progress or forward momentum? **What is taking up space in your life, that if let go of, would create refreshed head and heart space for something new?? **What are You hanging onto that is actually holding YOU back?? __________________ There is something magical about intentionality creating positive and powerful energy early on Mondays that puts a little extra pep in my step. Just me?? Based on the hundreds that have shown up for MMM, I am assuming that I am not alone 💗 That is why I created the "15 Min Fill Up" episodes for bright and early Monday Mornings! It will be a quick tid bit on an ontological coaching insight to invite you to rock your week and life! So head over to http://www.heartsunleashed.com/listen.html to pick your favorite way to listen to the Hearts Unleashed Podcast! Be sure to subscribe for easy access and updates! AND if you are TOTALLY loving the content, let us know! Please leave us a review and recommendation for new listeners! As always, live the life you love AND spread it! For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
Today wasn't just good. It was GREAT and I'm GRATEFUL! It has been filled with amazing friends, food, and fun on the sunny west coast! My heart is happiest in California and my smile is brightest near the water. I gotta tell ya, I didn't know I was a hippy hipster until I arrived out here. I love me some crystal stores, communal workspaces, and boutique shops. I love being environmentally conscious and appreciated our waitress not giving us straws "ya know, because of the turtles. 😂 I enjoyed giving my LA friends a ride because they are 'sans' car. I even love the traffic. Today, I was practically skipping through Marina Del Ray and Venice as I remembered the street art and coffee shop locations that I love. I love the crowded streets. I love the unique places, outfits, and decor. I love the chic style and laid back atmosphere. I love it all. I am grateful to have the bravery to let go of the good for the great. There is nothing, NOTHING, bad or wrong about our pasts. It's just that when we hold onto them, we aren't truly free to create our future. More importantly, when we hold on, we aren't fully available to enjoy our present...and now is all we've really got. Be here now. Where would you LOVE to go? What location makes your heart flutter? Where would you go if you could go RIGHT NOW? Book the ticket. Make the drive. Hit submit on the reservation. Your life is meant to be lived and this Earth is meant to be discovered. The world is out there. The people are awesome. The vibes are great. And it's all gooood in tha hooooood. Go live the life you love. For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love