Permission To Be Retreat
Purchase all 5 sessions in one and save $50
This is a completely virtual retreat!
*Each session will be live on zoom*
1) Human Design Vision Boards
Thursday, March 10 (6-8 pm cst):
Join us with Human Design expert, Miranda Mitchell, to discover and create a more loving relationship with your most authentic self and craft a vision board around the empowered experience you would like to generate in your life.
2) Inner Child Work & Releasing Ceremony
Friday, March 11 (6-8 pm cst)
Discover the limiting beliefs that create your self sabotaging patterns that are holding you back in life and release them. Meet and learn to parent your inner children, heal childhood wounds, and shed the pain of your past. We will also help you rewrite the disempowering narrative that is holding you back in life.
3) Self Love Is Not Selfish
Saturday, March 12 (9-11 am cst)
Let go of the shame and guilt that come with the negative chatter around self love to powerfully recreate your healthiest relationship with yourself ever.There will be identity work that will leave you with a better sense of your gifts, brilliance, and purpose. We will begin granting and practicing permission to unleash your most authentic self!
4) Mirror Work & Meditation
Saturday, March 12 (12-2 pm cst)
Look your deepest insecurities right in the eye and release them! We will be practicing the healing art of mirror work that is sure to open up new realms of possibility for you. This will be an opportunity to create space for and call in guidance from your highest self.
5) Spirit Guide Awakening
Sunday, March 13 (10am-12 pm cst)
Have you always wondered how to speak to Spirit? Find the answers you seek from within by learning how to quiet the outside noise. Receive the messages you have been yearning for by learning how to channel your inner voice and intuition.