July 18 Hearts Unleashed Book Club with Abigail Gazda - Alchemizing Judgment
Hearts Unleashed Book Club is a 7 week online book club!
July 18, 25
August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Call times will reoccur Monday nights at 6:00 PM- 7:30 PM CST (Central Time)
This unique program is a weekly book review and self-discovery discussion for readers of amazing self help and personal/professional development books.
The book this round is Alchemizing Judgment: A Guide Back to Love by Abigail Gazda.
Abigail will be hosting weekly, online Zoom sessions for readers to apply the lessons and breakthroughs offered in the book. Participants are invited to a weekly get together to debrief the book and bring reflections, thoughts, and questions to the table for discussion.
About the book:
Simply put, this is a book about how to win the game of life.
This comprehensive guidebook is dedicated to helping you to tap into the endless wellspring of abundance and finally lays out the how-to of manifestation with many perspectives, exercises, and tools for becoming your highest and best.
Not only thought-provoking and applicable, this personal development book teaches the imperative role of your existence, and guides you to harness all of your power to create your most inspired life.
This training manual for Alchemists exposes and discusses the unhealed aspects of your soul, that you may not know exist. This knowledge allows you the power to transcend barriers and obstacles that are blocking your blessings, guiding you into a life beyond standards and limiting constructs.
To reach this level of growth, Abigail teaches you how to:
· Take full responsibility for your judgments and transmute them into energy that empowers all living beings.
· Manage your energy, actions, and reactions.
· Effectively up-cycle all energies and experiences back into love.
· Actively stay in alignment with your deepest desires and commitments.
· Connect to a higher power, frequency, and state of consciousness.
· Understand your own divinity and purpose on this planet.
· Live boundlessly and fully expressed.
· Gain complete understanding and function of your power and operate at full capacity.
By the end of this book, you will understand the three most important pillars of life: Integrity, Alignment, and Faith. You will feel empowered to express your authentic leadership. You will understand yourself in a whole new way that feels exciting and inspiring. You will see different perspectives of possibility for yourself, humanity, and this world.
You will feel clearer, lighter, ready, and willing to alchemize judgment and become a guide back to love.
For further questions or concerns, please email [email protected]
Ticket info:
General Admission Ticket: $147 + Free copy of the book.
The ticket covers the whole 7 week program! (It is not a weekly cost!)