Meet Owen Finley Wajvoda. He is the first little rascal that dubbed me an honorary Auntie. My very best friend, Rachie, literally duplicated her adorable smile and laughter in this young man. He brings such joy into so many hearts. His big eyes look into the depths of your soul and the way his nose crinkles when he laughs will melt your heart. Some days, I am blessed by a call from her simply shouting her love of motherhood! She has found true love and purpose in his existence. She has blossomed into another phase of her woman as a mother. I get the distinct honor of being a very close part of her journey. I like to call Owen my nephew because he lands so 'close to home.' As a function of how much I love Rachel, I live vicariously through her motherhood. The joy I get to experience is exercising my maternal instincts with my best friend's son. The visits across the country may be few and far between and the moments I get to hold him fills me up. I stalk her snapchat for videos of this baby boy bouncin' around in the next new bopper he gets. I screenshot Instagram posts of him in his blue shades rollin' through town. Mommas, I do this with all of you. I spend the extra minute watching your child's new gymnastic move and adore your uploads of arts and crafts time. I laugh when you quote the darndest things your babes say and cry over your testimonies of love. I see you Mommas. I love you. I experience motherhood through what you share. I am OH SO GRATEFUL for you living out loud for all to hear. It brings me joy that you share yours. From all the Aunties out there: Mommas, you and your babies are a blessing. Thank you for blessing this world with your radiance. Keep sharing. Keep shining. Keep living the life you love. For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
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