Two years ago, I came out as wanting to be a motivational speaker on National Coming Out Day. I shared how I had been feeling something special about me for years and had never taped directly into what I was being called toward. When I realized what was so special about me AND CHOSE TO BE IT, I became free. People began talking to me about it. People began asking me questions, hiring me to speak, and coming to events that I hosted. Years later, I am a professional speaker getting paid to do exactly what I love and comes natural to me. I am living in a euphoric state of self love for coming out and growing into the most authentic version of myself that I have ever known. I love me and I love that I have chosen to come out and live unleashed!! Change "motivational speaker" for homosexual. Change it out for transgender. Swap it for bisexual, gender fluid, or even asexual. I have been blessed to have come out and it be accepted. Too many people still suffer in silence. Too many people are still taking their lives because they struggle alone in a dark closet of shame or guilt. September is known as National Suicide Prevention Month and in October we celebrate National Coming Dut Day. For the people who may get through a 'September season' can pass through the barriers of self doubt and loneliness and make it all the way through to coming out day with pride and joy! This platform is a place of love, self acceptance, acknowledgment, gratitude, and sharing. This is a safe space to celebrate yourself and come out of wherever you are hiding. I am a heart unleashed inviting you to live out loud! Bless us all. Bless you EXACTLY as you are. I love You. I love Me. I love Love. For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
A tuck of the chin and some halfway decent posture is all ya need half the time to look and FEEL like you have it together! And that costs you WAY less then: 😮seeing your belly pouch picture 😫 spiraling out of control with your inner critic 😒 sulking while in paradise 😩 spending days, weeks, months, or years of your life hating your body 😭 further spiraling into self-hate and body shame 😱 then spending time, money, and energy trying to 'fix' your body All when it can it be done with good posture, hella self-love, and a mindset shift! You can't build a sturdy home on a shakey foundation. It will crumble. The biggest part of radiating love and beauty is having it within. Do whatever you KNOW you need to do (and avoid) to get support in loving yourself. We're all human. We can all use filters and photoshop to feel better. And you already know how temporary that relief is. It's time to repair the cracks in your foundation. It's time to live a life you love in a body you love. __________ Enjoy Christie Zawacki and I's trip to the Camp Verde Hot Springs! She's freakin' awesome and so was adventuring with her! Alllllso, I am totally obsessed with my Jeep and she did GREAT off roading for 15 miles into a new national norest trek at Tonto National Forest!! When's the last time you took off into nature!?!? For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
Running a Tough Mudder had always been one of my bigger life goals and it was truly a mountain peak moment when I finally got to do so! You see, I had previously trained to run one and tore my acl shortly before it putting off my completion date indefinitely. I even called in to get a credit for the next one that I promised myself I would do. For fear of reinjury, I had somewhat let go of that dream. When Bob Conlin and Ryan Heywood invited me to run my first Mudder with them, I knew there was no better team or support structure to make it to the top of this personal mountain. To be quite honest, I was nervous and scared at the start line. I tried to hide it and take this challenge on fearlessly. However, it took a couple miles in to really catch my stride emotionally. Once I did, there is no turning back! Besides each other's accountability pushing us past where we would normally stop, I got to know them on a whole new level. I met myself on a whole new level because of their partnership! I knew I wouldn't ever be the same after those 12 miles and 20 something obstacles! It takes something to complete a challenge like that. I'm ever proud and grateful that I did. I am one Tough Mudding mother f*er! And I know SO MANY of you are toooo! Post your picture of your mud runs!! I absolutely love seeing them! I know what it took for you to complete it! No matter the distance or number of obstacles, there is just something special about getting dirty about your goals!!! Let's see them and don't forget to tag your rockstar teammates!! For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
I have spent PLENTY of my life super concerned about what others think of me. I have also spent a lot of head and heart space wondering what other people think of what I am up to. I was hyper focused on gaining the approval and validation of others.
While this isn't bad or wrong, it was certainly slowing down my progress. I was noticing my focus on the future but then being distracted by current circumstances. Trying to ensure everyone else's happiness or satisfaction would've eventually given me ulcers, or worse, had I continued down a path of losing sleep over the opinions of others. It took facing what I had previously avoided. It took taking a stand for my own and the greatness of everyone. It took understanding that others opinions were about them and what they are dealing with. Those opinions truly were not about me or what I'm up to. I was able to set myself free from that weight and guilt. It also took compassion for anyone dealing with deeply rooted anger, hate, and resentment. It took giving up my ego's desire to be liked! This has been the biggest challenge because what it truly took was liking and loving myself, no matter what, to realize that no thing or no one can impact my self love. When I got clear about that, I got how brilliant, bold, beautiful, courageous, kind and loving I am and allowed it to be on full display. This makes a difference. I make a difference. I share MY gratitude in this group with you because my breakthroughs are your breakthroughs...and yours are mine. I'm doing the work for myself and bringing it to you boldly because no matter what age, stage, and phase you are at on your journey, there is something to relish from the full display of other's brilliance! We are see ourselves in them. We see our possibility in them. I will always share possibility so vividly so that you may get a glimpse of it for yourself and step boldly into your power and fullest life! I freakin' love You. I love Me. And I LOOOVE Love!
For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
This highly anticipated, power packed episode is finally here! Dave Kehnast is "Sayin' it Straight" so you kind can hear, straight up, what it takes to have your most kick ass life!
It's Friday. We're droppin' F bombs. We're sharing boldly. All in the name of transformation! Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------ We are dropping Truth and F* bombs all day in this Friday Fill Up with Dave at Kehnast Coaching!!! I love getting to bring your heart real, raw conversations of possibility and what it ACTUALLY looks like to go for the life of your dreams! Too often, we think people living their dreams have some magical quality, advantage, or are immune to pessimism. False. Ontological life coach, public speaker, Kundalini yoga 'master,' Dave Kehnast, tells it like it is when it comes to addiction, recovery, transformation, relocation, and hella celebration! You can have whatever you want and it is up to you to create it! Tune in today get a hilarious, unrefined look at what it takes to become the fullest version of yourself!
For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
The quality of your life is a choice. The quality of your relationships is a choice. Suffering is optional. Roberta Tenorio-Dominiak faced many health challenges over the course of her life and you would've never guessed it based on her wide smile, bright eyes, warm heart, and kind spirit. I met Roberta about 3 years ago and hosted multiple Arbonne parties for these 4 women. The each pamper session was filled with laughs, joy, light-heartedness, caring, and compassion. They talked to each other like sisters. They loved each other's families as their own. So beautifully stated in Stella Waszak's post, you can't 'get lucky' for 40 years. You choose your friendships. You choose your priorities. You choose to make them work. You choose your priorities based on your heart's desires, not your current circumstance. These women chose each other time and time again and their bond was evident if you were ever in their presence. Roberta chose to live instead of suffer any process of dying. She inspired me with the way she carried herself as unbothered even when her pain was evident. Her presence was known and loved. I am honored to have had the chance to be in her presence and serve these women. Stella's post speaks to my heart so strongly because YOU are 100% responsible for the quality of your relationships. Not 50%, or 75%, or even 99%!....100%. When you give fully, PURELY, and unconditionally, it will be met with the same. As humans, we subconsciously mangle this universal law with our outcome driven expectations. When you give strictly from love, you cannot manage to manipulate it. Give of your love as if you will NEVER run out. Give as if you have an ocean's supply and you will be swept up by the tidal waves that come back your way. Rest well, Roberta. You left us with your love. _______________ I invite you to share your love with these women and her AMZAING daughter Hannah Rose Dominiak as they honor their friend and mother ❤ For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
Last September at the Pure Potentials Speakers Retreat, I really uncovered that I wanted to make speaking my profession. I wanted to develop "a speaking business." I was discovering that I was more interested in keynote and stage speaking than doing Facebook Lives and coaching workshops. This was an eye opening time for me as I realized that I didn't understand the industry like I thought. I also saw how the things I was up to wouldn't lead to my growth as a speaker. It became clear that it was time to shift gears. Simultaneously, I was beginning to see, understand, and love the world of podcasting. I had seen colleagues like Dave Kehnast jump in and it inspired me greatly. He has inspired me in so many aspects of my life. The day he welcomed me to his podcast, Fascinating Talks, was the day I knew I would do it for sure. The joy of an authentic, organic conversation with a like minded spirit ignited my passion to do this more! The idea of recording these insights and revelations and then broadcasting them to the world lit me up! You see, when I discovered ontological life coaching for what it is, I knew I had found my soul's destination. I knew I found a conversation that I didn't know I was looking for but I always had in my heart. It brought me peace of mind to see that there are other people in the world contemplating all that is possible and then declaring it and going for it fully! Bringing this conversation to the mainstream world in order to open minds, ears, eyes, and hearts!?!? I could not find a more authentic way to express my passion and commitment to your hearts being unleashed. I had given up any shadow of a doubt that I would start my own podcast. I quit making up excuses about why it was hard or too complicated for me to take on. I shifted from wishing to walking. I began stepping closer to my goal each and every day. I found a producer before I had my theme. I had shared it in my life not knowing which direction I would take it. When I would feel lost or discouraged, I would draw on the certainty I felt in this Fascinating Talk. A year later, my Hearts Unleashed Podcast is off the ground. My speaking business is gaining hella traction. My platform is rising and my network is growing. All of this is in service of being fully expressed while I fulfill my deepest commitment; unleashing the hearts of this world ❤💥💔💕 Tune in to to the podcast interview that kick started it all at…/abigail-gazda-disc…/id1321701064… On that full circle shit, I get to bring Dave's unleashed heart to you this Friday as I return the love on this week's #fridayfillup on the Hearts Unleashed Podcast. You won't want to miss it. He's a real gem💚 For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
I am up earlier than normal on a Saturday waiting fourth in the service line at the Jeep dealership for a safety recall appointment. I feel like I am camping out for a concert ticket release back in the 90's. The whole world is moving and I am sitting still here in a line that no one else knows about. It became another opportunity to sit present in an experience that I have never had. I could feel my Jeep pride bubbling up as I sat in line behind Wranglers and Rubicons 🙌 After handing over the keys, I walked the lot admiring these 4 wheeled wonders up on those showy fake rock displays. I gazed at big, fat tires to choose from and I checked out updated Compasses. I still love my own the most 🙏 I had a good laugh after my 'camping in line' experience to come find this camping trailer decked out in the showroom. Did they know I was coming?? Do they know I am always in the market for the best tiny living ideas known to man? Thank goodness I am not exactly 'road ready' because I know I would start cooking up a way to afford this today! 😂🤣 Being at a Jeep dealership has been so motivating and inspiring. Maybe I am high on that new car smell but being here this morning has certainly been refreshing! Anyone love themselves a trip to the dealership!?!? For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
This day last year I signed my publishing agreement with Jeanne Benderand Pina Publishing! What a wild ride, fam. The best thing I've ever done was learn how to silence the noise and listen to my heart. What's your heart whispering to you? For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
Not the shiny things. Not the accolades. Not the likes or comments. Not the relationship status. THE Self. Self love starts with you. Your success starts with you. Love starts with you. Your life starts with you. You start first. #IStartFirst For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love