Let's talk about periods.
Not the punctuation at the end of a sentence. Not the measurement of time. Not the demand for the end of a conversation. In fact, I want to bring up a generally taboo conversation. Menstrual cycles. A whole new, glorious phase of my life started when I started tracking the natural cycle of my body. I discovered energy loops. I saw patterns. I stepped into flow. I leaned into my emotions. I released my grip on control. I fucking rested when I needed to!!! I softened up. I practiced trust and surrender.
》I released《
Perfectionism Wanting Wishing Hoping Hiding Withholding Forcing 》I let myself be pleased and satisfied《 By life By men By money By food By relationships By nature By blessings 》I opened up to being surprised and delighted《 By miracles By divine timing By signs and symbols By my intuition By perfect opportunities By ideal situations 》I allowed myself to revel in pleasure and satisfaction《 With myself With my progress With my timeline With my past, present, and future 》I started《 Asking Requesting Ordering Commanding Expecting All from understanding my flow, yo. No joke. The moment I embodied WOMAN, my fears fell off as easily as my clothes. Realizing that this vessel, specifically this womb, is an incubator of creative energy, I began to harness it's divine power. Understanding that water represents woman, had me feeling fluid. As soon as I learned the different phases of my cycle, I felt what true self care is. I began to talk to my body more. I started to listen more carefully.
She knows exactly what she needs and I can also be the one to provide it.
Our bodies, both men and women, are mystical machines!!!! They are fascinating! They adapt AUTOMATICALLY to survive and thrive. Women, honoring your womanhood will unlock a portal into a realm that awaits you with open, loving energy. The sooner you do, the sooner you realize that you are your number one resource. Caring for yourself fully is THE SINGLE MOST important task you have. EVERYTHING else can come (comfortably) second. Men, the sooner you acknowledge accept and honor the fact that a woman has a menstrual cycle, the sooner the closer you are to your dream woman! The sooner you men accept that you too have energetic cycles, you can further unlock your own potential. We are rhythmic beings. Honor the flow as you go to watch you life unfold. For guidance in the growth, graze over to abigailgazda.com and grant yourself some grace and gratitude. Namaste ?
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