A post from 4-21-19...
I am living a life that I designed over 4 years ago. I just closed my biggest sale to date in my sports bra in the Arizona sun sippin' a Starbucks talking to a stellar dream client! I no longer take ANYTHING that comes my way. I no longer frantically accept every single inquiry. I choose. I select. I declare and fulfill. All because I chose my vision more than my fears. I engage with my purpose more than I procrastinate. I reach out to my support structures to hold me up when I personally feel weak. Yesterday, I felt weak. JUST YESTERDAY. I reached out for love, belief, and encouragement when I was struggling to produce my own. And today, I am back to empowered. You guys. We are human. We have egos that will always and forever be a part of us. Living your best life is not about being invincible. It's about being empowered. It's about consciously choosing your best life over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and and over. It's about understanding that the way you are is not the way you will always be. You can grow. You can overcome. You can expand. You can have the life you love simply because you say so and follow it relentlessly! I am not here because I'm perfect, extra gifted, or more skilled than any one of you. I am here because I choose me and my vision constantly. You must want your vision more than you want anything else in your life to truly have it. You CAN have it. You can have it EXACTLY how you want you can say so! If you're ready to say so reach out to me to live unleashed and create your life by your design. http://www.abigailgazda.com/time-to-shine.html 14Abigail Gazda, Hope Elizabeth Haneghan and 12 others Like Comment Share
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