Monday, I drove home from AZ. I hit unexpected traffic that turned my 5.5 hour drive into an 8 hour drive. I had to skip a meal and shower and go to work in dirty clothes because I cut it super close. Without gratitude, this could have gone wrong, quick. Road rage-hangry-running late energy could have made the whole calender day a disaster. I could have even let it affect this morning or day or week. But I choose gratitude. I choose to celebrate that I just left family from a great holiday in my car that runs on my way to my job that pays. I choose to thank myself for snacks packed and even having work clothes handy. Perspective people. There is more than more to be grateful for, everyday. It. Is. YOUR. Choice. Side note:
I watched kids be kids all weekend! To watch the world from the perspective of a child can really stop you in your tracks if you stay present. No shirt, no shoes, NO PROBLEM! A new this or that is nowhere near as important as an older cousin coming to town ♡ I got to joke, paint nails, tuck in, and give good night kisses. We shared stories, laughs, and food. We lived. We lived only in that day and that moment. It was glorious. It was refreshing. It was nothing but love in it's purest form. So to really nail it home on fine tuning Gratitude.... Choose Miracles over Misery.....they are everywhere for the taking. Choose Presence over Peril.....there is always something to be grateful for. Choose Progress over Perfection.....the process never ends and perfection is an illusion. LIVE.....actually LIVE the life you love. #presence
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