New 15 min fill up to rock you week and your LIFE!!!! About 2 years ago, Sarah Berry Crawford completely pivoted the direction of my life. She shared the distinction "Be, Do, Have" with me. I have shared it in some of my growing Gratitude posts before and I completely break it down for you in this episode! Check it out and rock your life by BEING the rockstar that you are!! 💥I always wanted to be the kind of gal who could travel when and where she wants with her amazing man and have random photo opps. 💥I always wanted to work for myself and choose my projects. 💥I wanted to enjoy being fully expressed creatively and get 'paid for being me' 💥I used to I have and I am. This life DID NOT come to me by chance. I had to actually BECOME this gal before I got to have her life. I had to be self expressed and confident and in charge before I produced any results. I had to stop dreaming and start doing. Even before that, I had to stop doing and start BEING! In today's 15 min fill up, I share the inside scoop on what exactly that means and what it looks like to take on as a personal practice! We are digging right in on how to ACTUALLY get serious about creating a life you love! #sorrynotsorry about going a few minutes over in order to fully explain a foundational understanding referred to as "Be, Do, Have." Used by hundreds of thousands of humans, this awareness will have you being yourself, doing what you are most passionate about, and having the life you only every dreamed of! In today's episode, I invite you to get real about the "way you are being" in life so that you may free yourself from the weight of blame, resentment, anxiety, frustration and more. An extraordinary life doesn't come without taking a good, hard look at the life you have now as a result of the way you are being now. This distinction will truly empower you to go from dreaming to doing. For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
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