I am relearning something I want to share with you peeps. I first discovered it in my recovery from divorce. I shared it in 'The Enlightened Quitter' chapter of my book, Giving Up Giving Up: The Memoir of a Quitter. I have reached a new phase of this lesson here in Portland. When the Universe seems to take something away from us, it creates a void in our life. When we walk away from something, we experience a similar gap. Naturally, we want to fill that void quickly so we don't feel like we're missing anything. I share this because what I have discovered in my experience is that the void is meant to be filled from the inside-out. I am learning this over because I have reached a new transition point. I am gaining awareness of this lesson completely! I was holding on to parts of my past that I was afraid to let go of. I had gotten afraid to 'risk it all' and create a gap I wasn't sure I would be able to make it across. The Universe seems to create voids one way or another to keep giving us a chance to finally learn the lesson to bring our hearts and passions to the surface and create them in the world! I see evidence of this constantlly in life. Circumstances ending is a sign of opportunity for transformation ahead. We must follow through on what we're passionate about. The universe is insisting that we take action on the dreams and goals that we have! We are meant to create a giant impact in the world! The universe will take anything away that distracts us from our greater purpose. Give it up and go for it. Live the life you love. Excerpt from Giving Up Giving Up: The Memoir of a Quitter "Our hearts and minds operate similarly to vacuums. They don’t stay empty for long. If we let go of something and create a void, by nature, something will fill it very quickly. We do this with jobs, relationships, habits, hobbies, etc. If you are in search of a fuller life, it is your responsibility to be more intentional about what fills those voids. When we fill them with comfort, we don’t get much closer to our dream life. Keeping those voids open long enough for what is inside us to vacate, allows us to meet ourselves from a new perspective. Our authentic self begins to shine through and who we are becomes more apparent. Allowing the void to stay a void can be uncomfortable during the stages of self-discovery. Giving yourself the time to develop can be worth the reward of reaching your next level of freedom, power, or self-expression. I am committed to being okay with the void, and I am committed to an unknown future. I found joy. I found freedom, and I came to realize that I am the only one who truly makes my choices. This was the first time I felt in control of my life and its direction. It was beyond scary to break past the barrier of my comfort zone. It required the armor of the Noble Quitter, but once I did it, I noticed that the rest of my life was still intact. All of the people I feared disappointing and losing as a result, were still in my life. I had my health and I actually had my sanity. I had made it all the way through a really scary life choice and in the process, I got my true first taste of self-love." abigailgazda.com pinapublishing.com For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
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