I have been hoo-humin' all day about what to share THIS Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I have felt like not even the most beautifully crafted tribute to MLK's legacy can clean up the mess that has been made over the course of this presidency. There seems to be new, appalling information to digest by the hour. I sigh in disbelief anytime I see decades and generations of progress undone with a vote or signature...or tweet. That being said, I err on on the side Dr. King. "I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear." You won't catch me hiding from the challenges we face in this day and age but you will find me fighting another battle. I am a warrior of love and affinity. I will seek out the best in people always. I expect it from myself as well. I too have a dream of unity, respect, and the flourishing of humanity as a whole. Gina Sachs once shared with me the leadership concept of 'loving others into their greatness.' She inspired me not to accept anything less than the kindest version of others. It has granted me access to the hearts of people as opposed to the show the put on to protect their heart. I am grateful for the literal and figurative ground covered under this Dr. King's leadership. I will continue a peaceful, loving journey of bringing people around me to life. I will continue to link and empower as many hearts as I can. Every time is right time when it comes to loving others. Every time is the right time to do the kind thing. Live your life in love. For daily gratitude, join us in the Growing Gratitude community on Facebook! Thank you for growing with me and as always, live the life you love
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