Before the age of 27, I used to openly joke when people would recommend me books. "Oh! Haha, I don't read," I would scoff at any title suggested.
It was never a jab at the friend offering a great read. Instead, it was a lame joke about my unwillingness to sit still long enough to invest in some reading time. It was me being insecure about finishing a tube of chapstick before finishing a book. It was in my life coach training program that I was really introduced to books that sparked my interest. They were books about personal, professional, and spiritual development. Now, before you finish that eye roll, here me out. These books were filled with information that I didn't know I was missing. These books WERE LIKE TEXTBOOKS for being human!!! Like, WTF?!?! Why weren't we reading these sooner? I say we because the moment after my awakening, I went wild sharing some of my favorite books like: The Last Word On Power -Tracy Gross You Are A Bad Ass - Jen Sincero Dare to Dream and Work to Win -Dr. Tom Barrett Think and Grow Rich -Napoleon Hill The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up -Marie Kondo I knew my friends and family in Indiana weren't exactly privy to many of these books and I was astonished. It was like waking up from my 1980's daydream and realizing I was 27 in 2016 not knowing much about what being an adult meant. Reading these 5 books in 2016 inspired me to demote myself at my corporate job, launch my coaching business, trash/sell/donate 70% of my material possessions, pack my Jeep and head for the Best Coast...I mean the West Coast. Since moving to San Clemente, CA, not only have I read dozens of books, I HAVE WRITTEN A FEW TOO! In November 2017, I unleashed my debut book Giving Up Giving Up: The Memoir of a Quitter. I wrote as a ghostwriter for other motivational speakers in 2018 and 2019. Here in 2020, I am working with aspiring authors to write AND publish their books with *my own publishing house*! That feels so crazy to say! (More details to come along the way.)
From being a life-long student athlete, who only read to get the A or assignment done, to now writing and publishing books for pure enthusiasm and joy makes me laugh with delight! It brings me so much joy to be working on 4 of my next books simultaneously as they all push their way through my fingers!
As I type this, I fondly recall November of 2016 looked like me curled up under 3 blankets in my apartment in Indiana just launching my first website/blog (...THIS website!) and one short year later, publishing my first book from sunny SoCal! Now, I host quarterly Hearts Unleashed Book Clubs to guide and inspire other readers. I love being a witness to how far I've come as a reader, writer, and publisher. I look forward to inspiring people in many of the same ways. I have really big plans to stay in and become a leader of the book industry in my authentic type of way. *Stay tuned while I manifest some cool ass shit!* For the time being, I invite you to join me on this journey by kick starting your own transformational journey with some of my 2018-2019 reads: You Can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay The Universe Has Your Back - Gabrielle Bernstein The Secret - Rhonda Byrne The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle Girl Wash Your Face - Rachel Hollis Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life - Byron Katie Closer's Survival Guide - Grant Cardone The Art of Letting Go- David R. Hawkins The Latte Factor -David Bach Profit First - Michael Michalowicz The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck - Mark Manson May Cause Miracles - Gabrielle Bernstien Business Boutique - Christy Wright The Big Leap - Gay Hendricks Mindset: The New Psychology of Success - Carol S. Dewck The Way of the Superior Man- David Deida The Language of Letting Go - Melody Beattie The Soul of Money - Lynne Twist Super Attractor - Gabrielle Bernstein War of Art - Steven Pressfield A Course in Miracles 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace - Dr. Wayne Dyer Creating Sales Velocity - Mathew Ferry The Science of Getting Rich - Wallace Wattles The Science of Being Well - Wallace Wattles The Science of Being Great - Wallace Wattles As A Man Thinketh - James Allen These are beautiful for various phases of transformation! If you are looking for your next perfect book and are not sure where to start, email me and my support team at [email protected] to let us know what type of clarity and direction you are looking for! To conclude with my invitation for you to start your own reading journey, I would love to share my top 5 favorite benefits that I only discovered by starting to read.
Reading really inspired me to stop dreaming and start doing. Reading inspired me to stop wishing and start writing. Writing inspired me to stop wanting and having. Following my dreams boldly has inspired me to stop chasing and start living. Live the life you love....and start reading.
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