2021's word of the year came to me in an interesting manner and I will share how it came about for you to really consider what your word for the this upcoming year might be. What I know about these themed words is that we don't really pick them; they pick us. I learned this in 2019 when the word FLOW washed over me like a river. It was so loud from within, that I felt commanded to choose that word. I feel like because I honored what I heard, flow entered my life and that entire year felt like floating down stream towards success. 2020's word was a softer nudge and still very obvious when it presented itself. TRANSCENDENCE came to me in more of a whisper from the heart. Deep down, I knew it was the word but I also questioned it. It seemed pretentious. "What am I transcending?" I wondered. "Who do I think I am to know about transcending?" What I did know was to honor what I heard and so I did...and so I transcended. 2020 has been the greatest year of my life because of this word. A book was born out of this single word. This word generated a new course in the Hearts Unleashed Academy - Fluidity - and even launched the first ever HUBC Retreat! Honoring this word meant honoring myself, my divinity, and my purpose on the planet. This word lead me to finding love, faith, and even marriage. It was my most financially sound and abundant year. For all of this, I thank God everyday. It has been learning to lean all the way in on what I hear that has made the difference in my quality of life. Nowadays, I do my best not to think but rather, just listen. What I understand is that we are always being divinely guided and if we can quiet our mind, we can hear our hearts. This will lead us to love, abundance, and joy; of this I am absolutely certain. Our heart always has the highest good of all as its only priority. And so knowing that, in early December, when I realized it was time to channel the word of 2021, I began listening into my heart. The thought came to me in a client call so I wrote myself a little note and focused back on the call. When I went back to my note in the evening, I said out loud, "okay 2021 word, what are you?" Immediately I heard "detached." "Huh!" I thought. It came into my mind but sounded like when you pick up a guitar and the first strum is out of tune. It had a weird twang to it. I listened in again and immediately heard, "departure." "What?!? Am I dying this year? I know we can do better than that!" I argued back. Regardless, I wrote both words down and gave the thought a rest for the night. I knew that if either of those were the words, they would repeat themselves to me. I didn't hold on tight to either word or any expectations. I just listened, flowed, and transcended above my human thoughts about doing it right. About 3 nights later, I sat down for my mirror work and after some dance and writing, I set my journal down and said out loud in the mirror, "alright 2021 word, wha...." "DEVOTION" "Ahhhhhhhhhh," I sighed a huge breath of relief as my jaw relaxed and my shoulders dropped. I loosened my hands, leaned back in my chair, and closed my eyes. "Devoootionnnn," I thought. I let it wash over me. I felt it filling every cell in my body and reconfiguring my being. "Detached, departure, DEVOTION." This felt like the perfect series of words that would follow TRANSCENDENCE. In fact, I was confused about the first two because transcending required so much detachment and departure in 2019 and 2020. I have been letting go of so much in the last few years. The word DEVOTION however, felt like the perfect amount of fitting and intriguing. What I really know about the words that present themselves to us present an invitation into expansion. It is a word that represents growth outside of your comfort zone. I have a sense of what DEVOTION means based on what I know but I am clear that my word for 2021 will take me far beyond any me, life, or world than I recognize. What's funny to me about this year's word is that it will take true DEVOTION to find out what it actually means. To me, this currently means surrendering to the devotion to my purpose and my commitment to the highest good of all. It means releasing any and every identity sense of 'self' to show up for what is being asked of me by Source. It means leaning even more fully, beyond Abigail preferences, into shining light, unleashing hearts, alchemizing energy, raising the Collective frequency, and spreading love. I devote my being to being a vessel of love in this world. There are many factors that can get in the way of that, cause doubt, make it uncomfortable, and challenge that DEVOTION and I am committed to being my best example of walking, talking, breathing, thriving love for any and all to see.
Don't have a word for the year yet? Maybe this workshop will help.
Join me in 2021 for a year of intention and power. I will teach you how to create endings so you can effectively and freely begin the next stages that await you. Register today and save on signing up for the whole year!
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