Disappearing December was so good to me.
I wrapped up my best year in business, love, and life. I brought programs to a close. I took time off my podcast and social media. I also packed up my living space in San Clemente and moved across the desert to live with Tim Demme in Prescott, AZ. For the last few weeks, I have been working on a ghostwriting project for an amazing leader and pouring my heart onto some more pages. I have been serving clients and relishing in watching others do the heart work. I have been shifting, stretching, and growing far beyond anything I ever set out for. What do you do when you reach the goals you set out for? What's next when you manifest things you've prayed and worked for for years? What do you do when you finally feel the way you've been wanting to feel. You enjoy it. I see too many friends and clients (myself included) skip right over a major milestone because they are obsessed with the destination. They don't realize they have met or surpassed something they were working so diligently for. We are often averse to acknowledgment because somewhere along the line, we learned celebrating yourself is bad, conceited, or pretentious. We believe that the opposite of humble is arrogant so we sweep our victories under the rug or just put the trophy on the shelf and focus on the next goal. After years of this, goals, destinations, and achievements lose their flare. Because we know the payout of a 5 year goal might only be 5 minutes of excitement, hitting a benchmark becomes uninspiring and even unattractive. Years of this pattern take us so far from our natural inspiration, creativity, and passion that we forget who we are. Our 'why bother?' attitude over shadows our 'why not!' enthusiasm and we forget what excites us. When we can't get excited anymore, our time here gets confusing. Our souls took a body to come play human. Our souls are fascinated by this whole earth gig and came to see what they could do with these meat sacks we are learning to operate and love. You came here to create. You came here to share. You came here to celebrate. What has helped me remember what a gift this whole life thing is has been to slow down, celebrate the good, witness and accept the not-so-good, and be unconditionally grateful for it all. Being here is a blessing. Bless it. Bless these bodies. Bless these souls. Bless each other. And bless the process. Taking time to restore and reset in December was indescribable. I have enjoyed the head and heart space more than words. I am happy to be back and I am showing up slowly. I am coming back thoughtfully and in love. I am always showing up filled with Gratitude. I am feeling a special kind of restored tonight as I made my way back to the ocean, back to San Clemente for the Hearts Unleashed 2021 Launch Weekend. We had our first Launch Weekend in 2020 and it led to our best year in business. Our goal is to grow this team weekend every year -and mark my words‐ one day we will be hosting it from Hearts Unleashed Headquarters. We hit all the goals we set out for and more. Before launching into this next year, we took the time to review and celebrate our year. We acknowledged the growth and expansion. I will be intercepting the Hearts Unleashed ladies tomorrow and we will spend our weekend praying, planning, and preparing for 2021. As for myself, I made sure to make my way to the ocean a day early. I drove straight from our cabin in Prescott directly to the water's edge. This soul took this Abigail body but it's true home is in the water. I am writing this post listening to waves crash. I am going to finish my seventh book next to the water. (I have written 4 books for other amazing humans). And tomorrow, we are going to launch this new year of devotion and service sitting by the shore. I love the water. I am the water. I love life. And I live a life I love. Give it a try. The water's fine.
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