I paid off my Jeep today.
I was reading Rich As F*ck and Amanda Frances explains how having debt is simply an energetic set point we have with money. Meaning if we vibrate at the frequency of debt, then it is normal and expected by us. (This is why debt is a pattern so many cannot break.) If debt is normal to us, we will subconsciously make sure we have it. This is why when we get close to paying off, we make more. Or why we can't just have liquid money sitting still in a bank account or growing in investments. This is also why we have big, expensive emergencies that suck up savings and force us to finance a payment plan. I literally FELT this when I read it and right then and there, I decided that I am done with debt. I have a wonderful debt repayment plan for my debt but it has felt painfully slow the last three years. When I read her point, and really her whole book, I saw how I am just playing small with numbers. I always plan to need emergency money. - which yes, I have a healthy emergency fund - but I still hoard money beyond that and I say hoard because it is still the frequency of scarcity to always plan on 'losing' your money. Debt has been a part of my life since age 18. I have been energetically set to have debt. Just because it has been normalized and I have become desensitized to it, doesn't mean I want it or plan to keep it. As my income has grown, so have my payments. However, I have been dripping into debt repayment while also making big money moves in my business; $3,500 here, $2,600 there, $1,500 there... I love paying cash money for things. My true long term goal is basically a cash only lifestyle, besides the use of credit for rewards. So two weeks ago, I consciously decided I was done existing at a debt energetic set point. Then this Sunday, I had the inspired thought to pay my Jeep off this month. Because of how clearly I felt to pay off my Jeep, I was super tempted to drain my bank account to do it. Instead, I took a breath of trust and paid $1000 on the Jeep on Monday. Within hours after paying $1k on the Jeep, I met my next amazing client who was excited to pay for her program in full. As soon as her payment landed in my account, I paid off my Jeep that I have had for 5 years. This also means that when we arrive back from Mexico, I will drive home my Jeep that I OWN!!!! This Jeep has held me through the most turbulent 5 years of my life. She moved me across the country. We've been up and down the West Coast together. We have had many a journey together. She was my greatest friend at many points when I had nowhere to go and no one to turn to. She has taken me on the most wild adventures and seen many folks come and go. She knows my people and my people know her. I remember the day she became a California resident. I remember the day I finally removed my infamous Live The Life You Love sticker off cause I wasn't dreaming it anymore, I was doing it and no longer needed the reminder. I have written 4-5 books in her back seat and coached countless clients from her front seat. I have recorded dozens of podcasts with her awesome acoustics and hosted group coaching calls in so many places with her setting the vibes. She has been just as much a part of my biz growth as my personal evolution. What a wild ride the last 5 years have been. If you have known me a while, you know exactly how much I love my Jeep Jeep and so here are a few celebration photos of when I pretend she is a model for a Jeep magazine #proudmomma To wrap this party up, I have shifted my relationship with money in the last 3 years in ways that astonish me. I *knew* I would get here and yet, being here feels better than I imagined...and I am nowhere near done. It is amazing to arrive at goals you've spoke about for years. It feels incredible to keep your word to yourself. It's worth every dark day. It's worth every tear. It's worth the uncertainty. It's worth the discomfort. It's worth all of it. And you are worth getting out of debt and living in abundance.
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