It has taken me a week to come down off the high of last weekend.
It was an absolute mountain peak moment in my life to have my best friend and her little family here on my Cali home turf! Last weekend was a manifestation TWO AND A HALF YEARS in the making! How many of you have waited two and a half years to manifest something? How many of you give up after two day, two weeks, or two months!?! I was ALL UP IN MY JOY as I got to play tour guide and see California through the Wajvoda's eyes.
Meanwhile, my best friend let me cuddle her baby and watch the two of us become the best of friends as well!
Many of you know me well and know that my best friend, Rachel, and I have known each other for the last 17 years and grown our relationship! Our love has been untouched by time, energy, circumstances, finances, distance, and more! Nothing on this planet or in these cosmos can shake or break the bond that we have! Many of you know me well and know that I moved to California 2 years ago on a complete whim. One month, I was vowing to live in Indiana for the rest of my days. The next month I got rid of 70% of my possessions, packed my Jeep Compass, and moved across the country with no plan but to live my fullest dreams. Many of you know me well and know that it is one of my deepest desires to be a loving wife and mom. Many of you also know that my first attempt at that didn't work out very well. It ended in divorce and a few months short of starting a family, we separated instead. Many of you know me well and know that I crave the opportunity to raise children of my own and love them the way I watch my bestie raise her baby. Many of you can probably deduce that a weekend of being Auntie Abby has still got my heart completely bursting. Because to be super real with you, many days ALL I want is that White Picket Fence vision. For those of you who don't know, this is me: This is Abby, Abigail, Abs, Gail, bestie, pretend aunt, sister, friend, cousin, lover, and more... A lover with a HUGE heart and Momma Bear kind of love. A girl on a journey of becoming a woman. A woman finding her way in the world. A human always trying to do what's best for the good of all and practice patience along the way. ...and my bff, Rachie, has been there every step of the way. I want you to know that no matter how much I do or don't know you, I want you to flourish. I want you to live your best life. I want you to live your dreams out loud and on display. I want you to celebrate daily, laugh till it hurts, and cry out loud. I want you to have the full range of emotions because the tears I am crying are tears of absolute joy and appreciation and satisfaction. I want you to have such meaningful relationships like the one I have with my best friend and I want you to know that relationships like these come from FULL FLEDGED authenticity. Being here on Earth is an absolutely beautiful gift and I invite you not to spend a moment spoiling it being ungrateful, unaware, and unconscious. I am whole heartedly committed to you having experiences exactly like last weekend at Disney... Where all is right with the world. Where everybody gets along. Where everybody enjoys each other's company. Where everybody contributes to one another. Because that is what we're here on Earth to do; contribute, love, share, understand, accept, love, celebrate, and appreciate! Do not allow yourself to get distracted by what's not. Stay present to what is. Stay present to what's good. Stay present to the love. It is absolutely all around you when you open your eyes and heart to it. Whether you know me well or don't, I want you to know this; You are loved. You are not alone. You are amazing. You are a gift. And so is having amazing relationships with amazing people. The miracle of life is always available. I want you to understand that you cannot fully relish in it if you are holding onto anything less than a commitment to love ❤ Open up, let love in, give love freely, and celebrate daily.
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