I have felt really passionate about teaching a self-mastery lesson that doesn't get talked about in the mainstream conversation of transformation. I don't think a lot of coaches tell the truth because this truth doesn't sell programs. It is practically sales-suicide because we want to promise you the world in our coaching programs, products, and services but you need to know this truth.... You will get disempowered, my dear. You will. It is inevitable. You are a blessed human being with a thinking brain and a feeling heart. You will get tired. You will lose faith. This will happen. Don't just know this fact. Own it as truth. Then, get the fuck over it. Feel your feelings. Speak your truth. Go through your process, honey. But stop acting surprised at each and every phase of the process. It is a cyclical pattern. It is incredibly predictable. Step by detailed step, you could walk me through any one of your processes. “I am going to publish my book on *date*!” and your computer crashes. “When I hit this weight, I know it's time to get it together.” “I will start my *great idea* after I…” “Okay, I’m ready!” …*insert next ‘unexpected’ crisis*
You stay still, crippled by fear, until some breaking point. Some awakening moment when something gets awakened within you. You become hungry…thirsty…starving for the truth. Craving the nourishment of the soul.
“A loser.” “A reject.” “A weak link.” “A disappointment.” “A mistake.” “Different, defective, flawed, and more….” You could go on and on and on for days and weeks and months. Your inner critic does and you continue to engage with it. This is living disempowered. This low frequency is relating to yourself as broken and needing fixing. This is an emotional wound that needs more than a band-aid. When you are suffering from the pain of feeling hurt, you take on a victim identity and role in life. You see yourself as these different victim identities. Therefore, others see that of you. You play it out and others live into the box that you put yourself in:
Your perceived perception of yourself (aka, your ego) creates these personal personas. You play them out. Without powerful introspection, reflection, appreciation, and application, this whole pattern WILL run your life. By way of being human, you operate by this equation. You live into the roles and visions you create. It is when you fully understand the problem; you know exactly how to solve it. When you see the solution, you realize it was never really a problem but an opportunity to grow! You will realize that every. single. thing. in. your. life. serves its purpose. It doesn’t always feel good. You don’t always learn the lesson right away. Sometimes it doesn’t make sense for years at a time. This is all SO OKAY! You will get disempowered in life. It is really a matter of having the awakening, awareness, acknowledgement, acceptance, application, accountability, activation, and aligned action to intentionally live an empowered life.
You can live consistently empowered. And you will still get disempowered. The real test is how quickly you can get yourself back into it alignment, inspired action, and empowerment. My 8 Pillars of Empowerment will have you at mastery level of self-actualization and self-regulation. You will live UNLEASHED when you break the chains of the past, disrupt looping self-sabotage, and bust through your ceilings to success. It is time for you to unleash your authentic superpowers. It is time to accept yourself unapologetically. It is time you express yourself in an unabashed way. It is time that you embody the leader within you! If you are ready to live empowered, my 8 Pillars of Empowerment taught in the UNLEASHED program, I have room for 2 new 1:1 UNLEASHED clients in October! Apply now by visiting http://www.abigailgazda.com/unleashed.html
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